Education System

Educational Groupings

Age Groups:

  • 18-24 Months Play Group (With parental supervision)
  • 24-36 Months Play Group (With or without parental supervision)
  • 36-48 Months Small Group
  • 48-60 Months Middle Group
  • 60-72 Months Large Group

Our Educational Approach

  • We base our education on Ataturk’s principles and imply a contemporary and democratic approach to our teaching
  • We base our education on the children
  • We ensure that each child’s personal needs are met
  • We focus on highlighting personal and social awareness
  • We aim to implement the principles of compassion, respect, sharing, cooperation, and helpfulness
  • We give great importance to science and art
  • We focus on creativity
  • We give great importance to instilling a sense of wonder and curiosity, and the drive to research and improve
  • We make it possible for parents to be a part of the experience
  • We make multifaceted development a priority
  • We make it possible for a child to learn from experiencing new things freely

Educational Model

The Fundementals Of Our Educational Model

Our educational foundation focuses on the Ministry of Educations’ Pre-School Education Program and its general purpose and gain, while implementing a project-based learning style and Psychodrama to achieve this aim. Psychodrama is a class of Psychotherapy which is mainly used for educational purposes. Psychodrama suggests that all people were put on this Earth as creative and spontaneous beings, but in time, inadequate surrounding factors stifle this creativity and spontaneity. With Psychodrama we are able to resurface this pre-existing ability and improve upon it. Project based learning makes it possible for students to tackle any problems they may face by cooperating with those around them while their teachers guide them during their endeavors, observing their relationship with those around them and assessing both the process and the result.

The Expected Results

Our main aim is to increase the creative capacity and spontaneity of our students, foster their needs in accordance to their age, understand their talents and areas of interest, discover their personal features, and improve the parenting skills of their gaurdians. All of these aims are expected to be fulfilled here at Dogafen.


By considering a child’s age group and personality differences we can support their physical, mental, emotional, social, and language/comprehension skills. Our implementation of Psychodrama to our education also makes it possible for students to become more creative and spontaneous individuals. Dogafen Academy’s program also makes it possible for parents or caregivers to go through training programs to improve upon their parental skills.

Lıteracy Preperatıon Program

For a child to be able to gain literacy skills, they must first be physically, emotionally, and mentally prepared for such a task. Reading and writing are skills that come hand in hand. Before learning to read, a child should fully grasp the skill of writing as a motor sense, a visual sense, and an auditory sense. This program encourages students to gain these necessary skills. Some of the programs used to teach these skills to our students are:

  • Focus studies
  • Audio-visual skill enhancement
  • Shape-background and shape position work
  • Exercises to help advance fine-motor skills
  • Hand-eye coordination exercises
  • Line work

Bilingual Education Program

Here at Dogafen Children’s Academy, we have implemented Bilingual Education to students from the early age of 2. With our Bilingual program, students are able to interactively learn English and French while corresponding and actively learn these languages alongside Turkish.


Activities That Take Place In The Program

  • Native English activities
  • Game activities
  • Creative drama
  • Music activities
  • Art activities
  • Comprehension studies
  • Picnics
  • Science-Nature studies
  • Math activities
  • Garden work
  • Fun parties
  • Fieldtrips and observation opportunities
  • Theatre and cinema days
  • End-of-year activities
  • Literacy preparation activities
  • Surprise guests

Family Participation Activities

  • Mother and child hand in hand at the magic kitchen
  • You are the guest this month
  • Let’s make toys together
  • Grandmothers and grandfathers day
  • Fieldtrips and parties
  • Child and family counseling
  • Psychological counseling
  • Seminars
  • Mother-Father training
  • Parent-Teacher meetings